Have you contemplated bringing in other musicians to play with you live?
We thought about it. I really like the fact that we keep switching our instruments -- we'll run around and have all the instruments set up -- I think that's really fun. I guess you could find people that could play everything and be switching it up, but that would be a tough task to find people that good. [Laughs] Not to say that we're that good, but it would tough to find people that you can hire that wouldn't already have a band.
[Publicist cuts in on the line and says we should start wrapping it up]
Wow, that's the corporate world, huh?
I guess so. [Laughter]
Tell me about the Jurassic Park screening in Austin you recently did -- are you guys movie buffs and just trying to bring as much entertainment to the masses as possible?
Sure, well... I think the world needs to be entertained right now.
So is there going to be a full-length sophomore record or you gonna release new tracks here and there?
I'm not sure what we're going to do with the stuff we make, but we're just making stuff. That's all we can do.
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