Who doesn't want to come home from a long day of work‚ broken backed and bloody-eyed from sitting with poor posture in front of a computer screen all day‚ and have a Latin groove so tight come on the stereo that it elicits you into a mean salsa dance-off around your apartment.
Sign me up. While you're at it‚ sign me up again. The Macpodz' new album is a sweet funk-fest that livened up an otherwise dusky evening with the swiftness of a sixty-forth note with a hyperdrive fetish.
This primarily instrumental music is super funky and relentless with a heavy-stomping bass that will kick the paintings from your wall before you have a chance to lower the volume. You do have paintings on your wall‚ yes? Good. So once they crash on the ground‚ might as well leave that volume cranked and just jive with this album.
Dance! The Macpodz are all about it. This album is made to move you. Movement is good. Mean movement is better. And this album moves real mean.
Some of the tunes slow down‚ pacing the album‚ dripping fragments of jazz‚ both contemporary and fusion. And that's a good thing. It's insanity of the best sort. The album is a street-level jazz party‚ with beats and melodies moving at a furious pace in all directions. It's precisely what you put on when you want to enliven the atmosphere and get your people movin'.