I caught the Barr Brothers a few weeks back at Parima in Burlington‚ Vt. The small room provided the intimacy needed to really take it all in. It was quiet‚ with a captivated audience hanging on every note. No question it was one of the best shows I've seen so far this year.
I've had a long history -- as anyone who has read State of Mind over the years knows -- with Andrew and Brad Barr's music. Their band The Slip was the first cover story back in 2004. We had been listening to them for years and heard something special in their music. We could hear longevity. We knew there was depth in what they were creating‚ and they had a philosophical approach to always be in a constant search for a new sonic environment. And they're still doing that.
The Barr Brothers is a relatively new project with harpist Sarah Page and bassist Andres Vial. And much like the course of my history with Andrew and Brad‚ I'm always surprised by the new sound they come up with. See what I mean in these recent videos by Mitch Fillion.

THE BARR BROTHERS - Ooh‚ Belle from Mitch Fillion on Vimeo.