The State of Mind Best of 2009 Video Shoot

This is where you get your ass in front of the camera and tell us what album revved your engines this year, what made you dance your pants dirty, what made you cry, what made you levitate, what made you sing at the top of your lungs, and what made you go back for more-again and again.
Lay it on us. Tell us about that album that gave you a musical boner.
State of Mind HQ
10 Lafayette Place #7
Burlington, VT 05401
Saturday December 5th & Sunday December 6th
From 12 p.m. to 10 p.m.

What to Wear: No solid black or white shirts. Please. But we do encourage flair. Lots of it. Flair it up, bitches.
Come Prepared! If possible, bring the physical copy of the LP or CD. PLEASE. This would be a big help.
"What happens when I get there?" Great question. Once your pretty self gets in front of the camera, we will ask you a few questions.
1. Your name and your favorite album of 2009.
(Dramatic pause)
2. Your name, your favorite album and a short, convincing statement why this is an undeniably great album. We all know music is the best, and it's all about sharing and spreading the good news, so here's your chance to tell people why they should have a copy of your favorite album of 2009.
(Awkward moment where you second-guess what you just said.)
3. Tell us about your "ah ha!" moment when this record hit you like a ton of bricks. When did you know? Where were you when it hit you? Do you have a great story about it? Lay it on us.
If you want to know what we did last year, check out the SoM Best of 2008 teaser:
There will be yummy alcoholic beverages available as well to get you loose and camera-ready.
Please consider joining us. We had a great time last year, and the best part of the video is each person's contribution. Really. We (literally) couldn't do it without you.