Man‚ like I really needed another reason to love the interwebs! And then this drops on my lap: an Ominous Seapods show from 1996 on YouTube! Are you fucking kidding me?
I spent a lot of time with this band from 1994-2001. I rang in the New Year with them a few times‚ celebrated my 21st with them‚ traveled far and wide to see them‚ and even saw God a few times at their shows. And there was that one night‚ May 3‚ 1997 in Syracuse, when they physically knocked me over with sound. It was my second life-changing experience with live music.
The Seapods were as influential to my growth as Nintendo and the 1986 Celtics. They arrived precisely at the right time when I need to be disturbed and have my eardrums blasted with a mutated amalgam of rock music. They were like the Rolling Stones of the bars and Pavement for wigglers. Their stage antics were some of the most disgustingly beautiful things I've ever witnessed. And they had lines like‚ "It's ostensibly oscillating and it's forever on fast-forward." Come on‚ who else describes masturbation and doing bong hits with such poetic insight?
Seriously though‚ it seems like every couple of months I'll revisit one of their records and I'll be amazed. They're one of those bands that still sound great, and to a certain extent, timeless. A lot of their material sounds more like today's rock music than it did then.
Watching these videos‚ they still seem like they're a rock band from the future. Ah, north country alchemy!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 - Lo Faber from God Street Wine sits in
Part 6 (cut)