And so that kind of goes back to the "purpose" idea, and I think also I read that just thinking of music in terms of people, places and events instead of…
Chords and grooves. That's really important for me. It changes… I've written… Well, whatever… Every time you sit down and write something the situation's going to be different. And it just happened that those situations were really coinciding where my brain was last year, so I had opportunities to really jump in there, see how far I could go, and I'm looking forward to the next adventures.
What is the next adventure?
Well, what I'm doing now is trying to make it through the fall [laughter]. There are a lot of things happening. I'm doing, again, the shows with Joan Jonas in October up here. A lot of moving going; I'm not moving, but I'm moving about a couple of countries kind of quickly and wondering if I have the endurance to get through the fall. At the end of the fall I'll actually go into a retreat, an artist retreat in Wyoming for a couple of weeks and that's where I'm starting-I've recently been commissioned by the great chamber woodwind quintet called Imani Winds. And I'm writing a piece with them, it has oboe, and a bassoon, a French horn, and flutes and clarinet so I'm going to start composing with them at the end of the fall. That's my new focus once I finish all this other work, so it's exciting.